The first thing we did was brief Simon and Luc what our sequence was about and gave Simon our production pack. We then started to make the set, making it more spooky, by lighting the candles on the desk and putting carpet on the floor to create the atmosphere. This did however take a long time to do and could have been made quicker if we were a bit more prepared, however the final look of it all was good.
The sequence was successfull in acheving its goals as we finished the day feelimng pleased and we got all our shots done. Our goals for the day were to get the shots done in time and for them not to be rushed so that they looked good, and also for us to get Alabama Jacson to act for us, as this was a tricky situation as she had school, but we did however manage to get her to act for us, which was a great help.
Another goal was for the group to work well together and co-operate together well, so that the day would go more smoothly .
The group didnt have any major location problems, we were in the studio for a majority of the time and our external shots took place in leathil, there was however a problem with leathill and getting there, as non on the media department were qualified to drive us there, so we had to get permission from David Broome to allow Fiona to drive us there. When we arrived there, the sun had set abd it was quite dark, so we brought an external light to light the building when shooting. We did however have to find a way into leathill to connect it to a power soccet, and if it wasnt for the help of fiona, this wouldnt have been possible. That was our only major flaw, although we did eventually overcome the situation rapidly.
We had enough time to shoot all the shots, apart from the night shots where it was a little bit rushed due to us needing to go back onto campus. We did however manage this as we only needed 4 shots of the main protagonist walking towards the house. This all in all took us 10 minutes to shoot.
The teqhnical equipment that we used during the shoot was
1. Rubber Tracks
2. PD170 Camera
3. Lighting Desk
We used the same camera in which we used for Preliminary Task, so this was helpfull as we knew how to use it and set it up according to the shot that was taking place.
The equipment was set up by the group's particiption, and Luc was a major part in the teqhnical set up of the day, but not so much the shots.
The organistion of the day was relativly easier as we didnt have alot of locations to film, we had the studio, Leathill and Hurtwood Corridor basement. Dressing the set in the Studio took a longer time than we anticipated, we had to light candles and wax the table so thwy would stick to it, and this took a long time. We also had to make candles go into the ground which was a dilema as they wouldnt stand up, but with the help of Luc and Simon we decided to screw nails into some wood and screw the candles on them. This did however become a hazard later on in the day as the candles were removed from the nails and the nails were left exposed, which to our amazement Alabama Jackson stood on and had to be taken to the medical center, but after a quick check, she was fine again. External light was however a problem at leathill, although we did want the light to be dark to set the mood, we did recover the issue quickly as we put a light on the building to light it up. During the day we had an amount of food that could have been seen as a disration to our work, this was however a learining curve for us.
The crew organised there roles earlier on in the project, so we all knew what role we had and what to do on the day, however some people realised that the role they were given didnt really suit them and others found that other ones did. The group as a whole worked togther well and the roles that were given worked well for each other.
I was the director of the sequence, so i had to call 'Action' and 'Cut' where nessacary.
The group tried as hard as possible to stick to the storyboard but due to locations etc ... we had to do them in different orders i.e shot one of leathill was done last as we wanted it to be dark not light. We did however find that we did more shots than fully intended, we did improvise a number of shots that we realised would work better than others, but werent initially on the storyboard.
The technical factors that we had to monitor whilst shooting and recording the sound,
Shooting - We had to make sure that there was enough light etc .. this meaning that our candles were all lit and that the light bulb was on when needed. We had to make sure that we were focused in the shot, by zooming in closely to the P.O.V then zooming out to make it focus.We had to make sure that the tri-pod was bubbled and steady to film. Also that when we were using tracking shots, that it was all safe and that it bend where needed etc ..
Sound- Was natural sound i.e wripping of the bed linen, footsteps and the scream of a child being smothered. We used wild tracking and made sure that the level of voices didn't peak over 6.
What i learnt from the shooting day was that it was very challenging and stressfull at times however it was a learning curve and helped me understand what i can and cant do next time i do a shoot.
What i learnt from the shooting day was that it was very challenging and stressfull at times however it was a learning curve and helped me understand what i can and cant do next time i do a shoot.