Thursday, 17 March 2011

This Little Kitty Commentary Josh and Storm

We did a directors commentary to comment on our script. Our group split into two people to do two different commentarys. This was to enable a clear understanding of the pop video and also to get different interpretations of the video. My text is below, the recording above.

MY SCRIPT - The mise en scene within the pop video was very plain, we wanted the audience to focus on the band members and reduce potential distraction. We used costuming to portray meaning and message, this is why the girls were dressed in a very “femme fatale” style. To exaggerate their independence and genre they operate in. The costuming of these 2 girls was also shown in a very edge way to reflect the lyrics “I am not a good girl, and I was meant to be free”. This was portrayed by heels and a tight fitting dress for one of the main band members. And for the other it was a corset kind of dress, with extravagant make-up and sparkly heels. Later on in the video we started to introduced sets and environments to the video, we did this later on so the audience got used to the simple image of the band and their style of music. If we were to re-do the pop video we all agreed that we would add more of a set to the video. This was because the plain black background did start to look boring after a while. We would probably add a very plain background with limited set design.

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